<aside> 💡 Since we'll be working a lot with JavaScript and CSS in the next few weeks, this project is a great way for us to get familiar with the languages and understand how web development works!


📚 Prerequisites

If you’ve never heard of JavaScript, HTML, and/or CSS, we recommend you go through some resources before you start coding!

🎬 Getting Started

🥅 The Goal

As far as the actual project goes, your task will be to edit index.html, styles.css, and script.js in your ramp-up project such that you produce an interactive web page that does whatever you want!! It could be a game, a blog, a visualization, or anything else cool that you’re interested in. We challenge you to challenge yourselves :)

Here are some ideas if you are struggling to come up with some:

Here is an example of a project and a walkthrough of all the code. PLS DO NOT USE THIS AS YOUR PROJECT. we want to see your unique and creative ideas…

Set up Your Github SSH Key!

Github SSH Key Setup